I actually had the joy of finding out I was pregnant for my birthday. I went out to dinner with friends and had a drink, not knowing at this point I was pregnant mind you. Everything was fine until I went home that night, it felt like a had several drinks. I thought it was odd but didn't think too much about it right away. The next day I was laying in bed still feeling like hell and it dawned on me. I did a mental count in my head and sure enough I was late by a few weeks!
After taking an at home test and going to the Dr. for confirmation sure enough, I was preggers. I was both excited and unsure. We hadn't planned this, it wasn't even really on our radar for the near future. So I was unsure what my other half would have to say. I knew he wanted kids. I just didn't know if he was ready right now. I sat down with him and basically said something along the lines of, " Hey baby, so ummm, well, I think, well no, I know that I'm pregnant."...long pause...He just looks at me with this shocked face and can only muster out a "Really?" I was a little unsure how to continue until he busted out in a rather cute grin and just jumped up and hugged me.
By the end of our conversation it was clear we were equally freaked out and excited. I feel like this is the one true thing that will change your life forever. I mean if you think about it, everything else you do practically can be changed. Get a tattoo and don't like it? Cover it up or remove it. Buy a house? You can sell it. Get a puppy and realize you cant handle it? Find it a new home. Choosing to have a baby changes everything you'v ever known in your life, not just for a little while. Forever. And in 9 months we were going to jump on that parenting roller coaster and hold on for dear life.
H o l y C r a p.
My pregnancy went well, I gained weight, I grew a belly, then I grew a bigger belly. I cant say I had any crazy cravings or weird prego dreams that I can remember. I was torn between wanting a boy or a girl. I grew up with an older brother so I liked the idea of hopefully having a boy then a girl. Big brothers are the best thing a little girl can have I think. But part of me also wanted a little girl pretty bad. My boyfriend of course wanted a boy. Don't all guys want a boy?! Anyway As you now know we had a little girl so I cant kill you with suspense and drag it out before telling you . My pregnancy was really pretty easy. I didn't have much for morning sickness or any unusual swelling or pain. Really what I remember more than anything was the point when I hit the wall.
For months you plan and prep and dream of life with your baby. And I did all those things. Then it was like I flipped a switch and I was just done. I did not, repeat, DID NOT want to be pregnant any more. I think it was about the 8 1/2 month mark. I turned into an angry, grumpy, leave me alone or I will hurt you pregnant lady. I was tired of feeling like a blimp. Tired of getting out of my car with a massive belly in the way. Tired of Dr. Appointments every week. I was just done. My poor co works would cringe when they saw me coming. I tried everything I could think of to get my labor going, spicy food, exercise, walking, I even rearrange the whole garage (for the second time during my pregnancy, Nesting is a very real and strong pregnancy urge people).
Nothing happened.
Whoever said that any of those things could bring on labor lied through their teeth. And I was feeling like punching them in those teeth. It was the day before my Dr. appt and just 4 days before my due date. I had every intention of strapping myself to the exam room chair and refusing to leave until my Dr. agreed to induce me. I was at work, just finishing up my day in fact. When surprisingly my water broke. I was surprised for a few reasons: 1. I had already bought the rope to tie myself to the before mentioned chair. 2. that my water even broke-did you know that only about 15% of women have their water break on its own? 3. It wasnt like in the movies where a giant puddle appeared below me. It felt much more like I had just peed my pants (oh the joy of pregnancy!). So I told my co worker I was leaving early, called my boyfriend and told him I was on my way home. I was so excited! Finally it was time. I went home and took a shower, didnt want to go to the hospital feeling like I just peed myself after all. At this point I wasnt having any painful contractions, the nurse checked my vitals and told me they were going to monitor me and the baby. She pooped and inside me and they were concerned about Meconium Aspiration. But all I could do now was sit and wait. Damn. Not the waiting game again.
Several hours passed with nothing happening so they finally agreed to give me Pitocin to get that baby movin. Again I was told to wait.
I hate that word.
Finally things started moving. I was giving my epidural (I didnt feel the need to put my pain tolerance to the test.) And....I waited. Again. The nurse told me to relax, get some sleep and she would let me know when it was time to push. Relax?! Sleep? Who can sleep at a time like this?! Apparently my boyfriend. So I laid in that hospital bed til 4 in the morning glaring at my sleeping boyfriend, Listening to the clock tick.
4 AM, ok now I can push. YA! I think any minute Im going to be holding my baby in my arms and NOT be pregnant anymore.
4:30 AM pushing
5 AM still pushing
5:30 AM Still Pushing
6 AM Visions of Dory from Finding Nemo pop into my head...Just keep Pushing, Just keep Pushing
6:30 AM Yep. STILL pushing, and getting pretty tired I might add.
6:45 AM I have come to the realization that I will be pregnant forever. Im doomed.
7 AM Dr. decides to have a little chat. Paige is stuck. My epidural is wearing off and they wont be giving me another one. I have 3 options. 1. I can have a c-section (I did not run this marathon just to get almost to the finish and have you tell me sorry, you wore the wrong t-shirt) 2. I can keep pushing through the pain (Did I mention Im also tired?) 3. He can suction the little baby right out (Downside, possible conehead baby).
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