Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy 4 days after Halloween!

Ok, So I know its a few days after Halloween, but since I didn't have a blog before all hallows eve I thought I would share today.
Let me just start with I love my baby. And I realize that she may have mixed feeling about me, usually dependant on how long I take to make her bottle. But I fear what I did to her on Halloween might be the last straw. Im convinced if she could use her chubby little fingers to dial the phone Child Protective Services would have knocked on my door already. I stuck my child in a pumpkin. A cold, slimy, gross pumpkin. What kind of Mother am I? I had such a cute idea for  a Halloween picture. Turns out some ideas should just stay in my head. Take picture A:

My poor child. The minute her cute little diaper covered bottom hit that pumpkin she knew it was not ok. Her Mom had gone off the deep end and she vowed to let me know it.  For those of you that have not raised a child, or for those of you that may have forgotten, at 2 months baby's have usually reached a certain milestone. They have learned how to fill their little lungs with lots of air and put it to good use. Screaming.

Never again will I put baby in a pumpkin...til next year anyway.

Have you ever tried to go shopping for a kids costume between the ages of 0-6 months? Let me save you the trouble of looking. There arnt any. Atleast nothing cute. so being the crafty little mommy I am I decided to make one. I kicked around a few ideas first. Lobster in a pot? while this would go perfectly with my costume ( a 50' house wife/Betty Crocker) I just didn't think it was the route I wanted to take. Hmmm, how about Robin? as in Batman and Robin. made sense because I dress my first born (the dog) up as Batman, this year could finally be the year he gets a side kick. But despite the name, I knew robin was a boy. And I just thought 2 months old was alittle young to be cross dressing my beautiful baby girl.  Then it hit my one day while doing laundry. A Sock monkey! I had once thought of doing her nursery in this theme, and just love them. So I dug through my boyfriends old socks...Now before you get on me about how gross that is or call child services on me, let me tell you a few things.
1. I said old, not dirty. they have been washed.
2. I simply wanted to make a template first. before I went out and wasted money on new socks to cut up.
3. Its my child and I'll dress her in whatever I want
But after several failed attempts I realized using actual socks wasn't going to work. I wont get into the logistics of it but trust me it was a pain. On to plan B. We ordered a toddler size sock monkey costume on line. My plan was to simply shrink it down to size.  Did I mention I have limited sewing skills. yep. I taught myself to sew. 2 months ago. With my Great Grandma's sewing machine from the 1900's.. or maybe the 40's, who knows. In any case its old, and Im a novice.  But after a few hiccups I figured it out. I was slightly disappointed because it was far from perfect, and sadly Im one of those annoying perfectionist type people. Turns out though I needn't worry about the flaws. I forgot some very vital info. I live in Oregon. And the end of October is cold, and it gets dark pretty early. My hard work ended up being covered over the whole evening by a blanket as I pushed her around in the dark with a stroller. Oh Well. At least her hat was cute!

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