Monday, April 30, 2012

Baby 3 to 6 months

3 to 6 months is such a great time for new Mommy's, you'v mastered the diaper change, and can make a bottle in your sleep (if your child lets you sleep). Your baby has grown out of that awkward cone head, wrinkly old man stage. And you'v now realized that yes, in fact your adorable baby DID look like that, cause lets face it, every baby does. Since my baby girl is 8 months now my memory is a little fuzzy of the milestones they hit, but here is a few of my favorite that my fried Mommy brain can remember, as well as a few of my picks of what to buy.


1. Laugh.  I think Paige was about 4 months old the first time she truly laughed. We had gotten a few small giggles out of her before, but the first true laugh was about 4. And it was glorious! There are few things better than the laughter that comes out of that cute little bundle of joy. Still, months later I cant help but giggle myself when she laughs.

2. Rolling over onto side. My determined little girl did this really early, for most though it happens around 3-4 months. And while they may not be rolling across the floor yet, make sure your not putting them alone on the couch.

3.  Razz berries. My little girl spent countless hours sticking her tongue out making razz berry noises and then laughing about it. She would end up covered in drool because of it. Now is the time to break out the bibs.

4.  Sit like a big kid. By 6 months your baby should be a pro, with a few tumbles every now and then. And another milestone they have most likely grown to love (or be obsessed with) is standing with help from Mommy or Daddy.

What to Buy:

What to Expect the First Year  Its a great book to have on hand, because it really does tell you almost everything.  I try to read one to two months ahead so I can prepare myself for whats coming, or at least pretend that I'm prepared.  Thankfully I also have a great friend that bet me to the baby making game, her son is almost two now. So I go to her for help for EVERYTHING. Lets face it, things have changed alot since I was a kid, so while grandparents mean well, they might not always know, or remember what work's.

Bumbo: They come in lots of colors and and even have little high chair like trays you can put on the front and cute little cloth covers you can buy.  My wonderful Mom got Paige a used one when she was about 3 months old. At first I thought it was kind of a waste because she would out grow it too fast. 5 months later though it still gets used all the time. The are great for those early days when baby is just getting used to sitting up, allowing them to see the world a whole different way.  They are also great as mini highchairs. I take it with us on day trips to Grandma's house as a travel highchair, And recently even packed it in my suitcase for our week long trip to Colorado.  They can be a little pricey in my frugal opinion, so I recommend keeping an eye out for them used.  But even paying the $30+ for one might be worth it because you will get some use out of it.

Sophie the Giraffe:  This was purchased by my wonderful boyfriend, after I hinted for weeks, about how much I loved it (Boys are so smart)  I love Sophie for her vintage charm, Paige loves her for her loud squeaks  and lots of chew-able parts. As funny as it might sound this is one of the few silly "splurge" items we have. It usually costs about $20, which is a lot for basically a chew toy. However I might not recommend this if you have dogs that like similar squeaky toys. You might end up with an over priced chew toy, for doggy. But hey, I guess that all Baby's used it for, maybe they can learn to share!

Fisher Price Space Saver High Chair:  There are a few reasons I picked this chair over a traditional high chair.  Just like the name says it saves space. It attaches to a dining chair you already have and on many tables even with the highchair it will still tuck in under the table out of the way. That right there alone sold it for me!  But if you want more features, it also transitions as baby grows. It reclines for ease of  feeding little ones, and sits upright for older babies. And, for when the day comes when your Baby turns to a Toddler, the tray can be set aside and you can use it as a booster seat, sliding the chair right up to the table.  The price is comparable to most high chairs (about $50) and it can be found just about anywhere baby products are sold.  Oh, and another added bonus? The tray is dishwasher safe and the seat cover machine washable.

Ok, now what not to buy.  A crib bedding set  really this is the only thing that sticks out in my mind that I wish I wouldn't have wasted my money on, thankfully I got a brand new set from craigslist for dirt cheap (from another mom that realized how silly they are.)  I know, I know they are hard to resist, so cute and fluffy. and they really make the nursery feel complete. But are also a complete waste. Now, Im not one of those paranoid moms who thinks kids should never touch dirt and baby proof ever square inch of my house and turn it into a padded cell at Fort Knox.  My reasoning for never actually using a crib set is this:
1. The blankets that usually come with them are often stiff and, well, not cuddly for baby. They are more for show, something to hang over the crib when friends come over so they can Oooh and Awww about how cute the babies room is.
2.  Bumper pads, while pretty, are still dangerous.  Maybe it was just my kid, but as soon as she learned to roll, she was ALL over that crib in her sleep. I often wonder if she will be a sleep walker when she gets older, but thats besides the point. The point is, that there was several times I snuck into her room at night to watch her sleep (yes parents really do that) and her cute little face would be smashed against the crib bars, fast asleep. While She might not have smothered herself in her sleep, Id rather not risk it. I'll take the red marks on her smiling face in the mornings any day over the sleepless night of worrying.
3.  It doesn't take long before they figure out how usefully their finger are. And all those pretty strings used to tie the bumper pads on are going to be their favorite new crib toy.
4.  As mentioned above, sometimes you cant resist the urge to go check on your little one and watch to make sure they are sleeping soundly. Without the bumper pad obstructing your view of the crib your able to see how your little one is doing from the safety of the doorway. No risk of trying to sneak into their room and hoping not to wake them. If you have a particularly light sleeper you'll really appreciate that!
5.  Less laundry. Trust me, you'll have enough of that without all the extra bedding. Between the spit up/vomit and pee/poop on you and your baby, you'll have plenty to keep you busy.
6.  My own bedding set didnt even cost $150! And we will use that for YEARS. Why does crib bedding cost upwards of $100?! Because Moms everywhere think its a must have while in nesting mode. Yes Im guilty too. I didnt know any better. But now you do. Your Welcome.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

Ok, I know I promised to tell you all about my trip to Colorado and I will I swear, but I haven't had a chance to upload and look through my 300+ pictures ( not an exaggeration at all, in fact it might be an understatement).  I'm hoping to get that taken care of this weekend, and I'm hoping to work on my never ending house painting project so hopefully I will have that post for you soon. Also, since I do not already have enough going on I have a few new craft projects I'm hoping to get started.

 Any who, I was reading a wonderful blog earlier today and it brought back some wonderful childhood memories for me. When I was young I raised rabbits for 4-H and would also sell them through out the year to people in the community. And A few times a year I would load up a few rabbits in a cage, go to town with my mom and bring my little red wagon. I put the cage filled with cute little bunnies in my wagon and would spend the afternoon wheeling it all around the retirement home.  Those elderly people where so happy to see those bunnies, and me. It was so sad to hear the stories people would tell about not getting to see family or friends often, many would tell stories about long ago pets they used to have too.  Every room I was allowed to go to was always thankful to have someone to talk to. Being a kid I probably never truly realized what that might have meant to some of them. But I do remember I would leave those days feeling both sad and wonderful. Sad for those who spent day after day alone, but wonderful for the few moments of joy I was able to bring. It didn't cost a dime, that's the great thing about smiles. Sometimes the best ones don't cost anything.

But today what I really wanted to do was take a minute to share a wonderful post from another blogger that I stumbled across.  I dont know her personally but she seems like a wonderful lady, and I think her birthday idea of spending the day doing random acts of kindness with her kids is great! Check out this post at  Tickles to Giggles to see her wonderful list of ideas. I hope that someday I can do a similar list with my little girl. I think every now and then we need a reminder that our lives are not the only ones that matter. I want my little girl to not only be smart, determined and to concur the world. I want her to be kind. I want her to draw others to her like a moth to a flame, I want everyone to love her like I do. I wish for her to fill everyone's days with smiles and happiness.  I would consider myself  a slight failure as a mother if I found out one day that my kid was 'The Mean Kid' I want her to find out how to stand up for her self with out pushing others down. Is it too much to ask that she poop magical rainbows? Yeah I was afraid that was pushing it, oh well.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

I will be out of town for a week, but thought I would leave you with this adorable face.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Daddy's and Their Baby Girls

What is it about Daddy's little girl that manages to turn them into over protective softies? Who even  knew those two polar opposite adjectives could describe the same man?  Every little girl needs her Daddy. She will look to him to guide her, to make her tough. If he is a good man (which thankfully mine is!) he will show her how she needs to be treated by other men in her life. Daddy's are the best at reminding them that getting dirty can be fun, but they are still often the first to be dragged to the tea party she is having.  They can often be the most confused  when those dreaded teenage years make their little girls life complicated. But they love when those same little girls stand up for themselves for the first time and tell the boy that hurt them most to get lost.  No matter the age, a Father will always be there, A silent shoulder to lean on.  Little girls love to go to their mothers to talk about everything in there lives, which can make a Dad feel left out. But girls always know, you go to Dad when things are so rough, and words just don't seem possible. Daddy's can sit in silence, waiting. Knowing that when they want to talk they will. And If they don't want to, they wont. Sometimes a mother is just too determined to understand and give solutions. We forget that our child might not need solutions. They might need silence. Time to think and reflect. Daddy's are great for that.  Every girl needs a Dad to take them fishing, camping, shooting, hiking, exploring. They need to be shown that they can do everything a man can do. There is no better way to teach them how strong they can be. Strength is not always in your muscles. It can be in the determination you have, the fight you have in you when everyone tells you that you cant. Mothers can do all these things, and should with their little girls. But something about doing it with him, makes them realize how strong they are.  Little girls need to be able to hold their fathers hand. No matter how big and scary the world is, Their father is right there, holding their hand. And he is bigger and stronger than any boogyman could ever be.

Its not just a mother's maternal instinct that kicks in when a baby girl is born. From their birth a father knows to protect. It might be something that could hurt them today, or something that wont happen for years to come. You may think that Mom's are the worry wort's. And we are, but a father worries too, just maybe not about the same things.  Case in Point-

Within the first few weeks of my little girls birth I was concerned with:  Is she eating enough? Is she cold?  Is she hot?  Will she ever sleep?  Pretty typical thoughts right? Want to know what my Boyfriend thought of?

We awoke one morning in those first few weeks of her life, And the first things He said to me was
"I had a bad dream, a really bad dream about Paige."
"A bad dream about Paige?" The worst thoughts came to my mind. Even the thought of her hurt, abused, helpless or taken from us makes my heart freeze. Even though I didn't really want to hear what this "horrible" dream was about I had to ask.

Turns out he didn't dream about any of those things.
"I dreamed that it was the middle of the  night and I heard a noise in Paige's room. I was worried someone might be in there. So I got my work gun, and a flash light, I crept slowly down the hall. By this time I could hear several male voices in her room"  The fear in me grows that this is not a dream i want to hear the end to.

"I threw open her door, ready to shoot anyone I see, Im a split second from pulling the trigger. When I realize that she had snuck some guy friends into her room.  I was so mad. I wanted to shoot them anyway and tell them to get the F out. I even woke up mad from my dream" I gathered at this point that this dream was much farther into the future then I originally might have thought, (or that Paige has amazing social skills for a one month old) AND that daddy's worry too.

"Well Babe, Im sure you scared those kids shitless. They wont be back to haunt you in your dreams again"
I just had to laugh and walk away.

If you have the time, check out this list 50 rules for Dads of Daughters by Michael Mitchell.
I couldnt have made a better list myself.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My New Mommy Must Haves

Holy Crap. I'm officially a Mommy. Holy Crap.
Did I mention Iv NEVER changed a diaper?
Iv never fed a baby.
I have only ever held one maybe two other newborns in my life.
Iv never babysat or cared for this small of a child. Not EVER.
Holy Crap.
Iv read about it. But lets just face it, you can READ about Nuclear Physics and the reactions of nuclear cold fusion. But that does not mean you can do (let alone understand) how to do above mentioned craziness.

Thankfully you don't need a PHD to clean a smelly butt or make a bottle.  They also have tons of books to help you out these days as well as full prof baby products.  But some of these products make you feel like you need to sell your kidney to pay for them.  I work hard for my money. I don't like to feel like I'm wasting it, and I know there are lots of people out there just like me.  So you'll find I don't have any problem buying some items used, on sale, cheap, and that I know can be used for years to come.  You will never see me posting a crib that cost $500. Lets get real, baby's grow fast, some items will be used for a matter of months if not weeks. Why shell out 50.00 for an Easter dress that they will wear once, AND get a stain on it?

What I read-

While pregnant I read What to expect when your expecting both the book and this website. The website is handy for alot of reasons. You can sign up to get email updates to learn what you should be doing and also how your baby is growing at that stage. It has articles as well, everything from what to eat to what to buy for the upcoming baby.

What to expect also as another handy little book called What to Expect the First Years.  Another great book for those who may not know much about raising a child. There are a lot of pages you can skip over because lets face it, like I said before its doesn't take a genius to change a diaper. but other things, like when is your child old enough for solid food was helpful to me. The website I linked above also goes on to baby's third year so you'll have help for years to come.

What I bought-

Aquatopia-Safety Bath Time Thermometer
This little guy was handy because it eliminates the guessing game of what temperature is baby safe.  In addition to the reading it gives you on the top it also beeps when the water gets too hot AND too cold (something those little rubber duckies with the heat sensors don't do). I purchased mine at Walmart for $10.00 but you can find them online too.

Safety 1st Acella Sport Travel System
While you don't have to purchase this system exactly I do recommend purchasing something similar. These systems are great because the car seat clips directly to the stroller for use when baby is too small to sit in the stroller seat, but easily converts to a regular jogging stroller. It does fold down for easy storage in your car truck but still takes up a fare amount of room. It comes with the car seat base for your car as well.
I think I paid about $175 for mine. Trust me its worth it. Car seats alone can cost that much.

Playtex VentAire Bottles-
These come in a standard bottle, and a wide bottle. The wide mimics the shape of nipple better if you plan on supplementing with breast feeding. And they come in 6oz and 8oz sizes for both types. The thing I love most about these bottles is that they come completely apart for easy cleaning.  The base unscrews and makes it so much easier to shove a bottle brush inside to clean.  I read some reviews complaining about this feature, stating it has too many parts, but I loved these bottles. I never had any problems with them leaking either.  You can buy them in gift pack for a shower gift, packs of 3 and individually.  They are BPA free and said to reduce ear infections (my child has never had one) and should help with gas, colic and spit up. My baby still had a terrible time with gas though.  Prices vary depending on where and how you buy them but are similar to any other bottle out there.

Gas drops-
I tried several brands and they all seemed to work the same for my baby. Just a drop in the bottle helps eliminate air bubbles for a much happier munchkin.  I had a horrible time with my baby and gas for the first 4 months. I changed formula and tried every trick I could find to help her (pumping  her legs, fussy gassy formula, soy and more). Nothing was 100% but these at least helped more than anything else I found.  They are cheap too. I would buy it a Target and could usually get a two pack for about $6.

Medela Quick Clean steam bags-
The reason I choose these bags over a traditional microwave bottle steamer is they don't take up space on my counter or cabinets (I HATE having things cluttering up my counter tops).  They come in a box with 5 bags and each bag can be re-used 20 times, I  would use mine more though. Fill the bag, add 2 oz water, seal the bag and microwave for 3 minutes. I would scrub my bottles after each use, and steam them at the end of the day to make sure they were good and clean.  I have only been able to find these online and at Target and usually cost between $5-$10

As a side note I recommend buying big ticket items such as the car seat, stroller, highchair and swing in a gender neutral color if you plan on having more than one child.  You may get excited that your having a girl and want everything pretty in pink for your little one but think to the future. Your next child might be a boy, and you might be strapped for cash the second time around. You cant blame every passerby that see's your little boy in a pink car seat and say's "Oh what a darling little girl you have!" Trust me you'll appreciate your smart thinking down the road. Its also is easier for resale too. Craigslist is often the first place a mommy strapped for cash will shop. You'll appeal to a wider range of shoppers if your items are neutral.  Don't be afraid of second hand items but be smart. Buy only things that can be washed and sanitized. Big ticket items are great to keep an eye out for too. I purchased a great matching crib, dresser and changing table on craigslist for $200. I recommend steering clear of car seats though, you never know if they have been recalled or in a crash.  Another thing to keep in mind is you dont need to rush out and buy everything all at once. Think about what your baby will need right away (like the items listed above) and the items that can wait a few months, like a walker or fancy toys.

I will be posting new products every so often for you guys to check out so keep checking back!